Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jobs that probably do not suck...

This week's edition of's "Jobs that probably do not suck" is awarded to none other than ESPN and BASS outdoor writer, Don Barone. We have been following DB's well chronicled escapades for quite an while and have found him to be a talented humorist who is well qualified for the award.
For example, while I, in all my pseudo- editorial glory, am slaving away answering last minute Board of Directors questions about why the housing market stinks and builders can't pay for their lumber(they all drive new trucks you know), DB is off on a no doubt expense report rich "tour "of Southern bass fishing spots, hobnobbing with professional anglers, and dining on local delicacies (read as Jelly doughnuts and boiled peanuts). Sure Don has an occasional brush with the supernatural and only occasionally writes about fly fishing, but his story telling acumen makes his work excellent reading.
The best we can make out from our spot in the corporate ivory tower Don's job is to go places, hang out with fishermen, and let things happen to him that can be written about later. He also is affiliated with a group of self described "Bigfoot Exterminators." For these reasons we declare that his "job probably does not suck."
Check out Don's latest article at ESPN Outdoors - "Salmon, steelhead and slobber" and his own personal website Don Barone Outdoors.
Editorial disclaimer - examples of jobs that I may or may not perform mentioned in these postings are in no way intended to imply that my job was anything less than a joy to perform. They are simply used for contrast purposes and all reading this should remember that it is my great co-workers who regularly read this blog who make it all worthwhile....

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