The North Carolina Delayed Harvest season ends this Saturday. With "harvest" no longer being delayed, trout anglers are free to open up a can of niblets and jerk a limit of the tasty little creatures from our once pristine, yet heavily poached, waters.
Lest you fret, fisheries folk tell us that most of the pellet munchers stocked in waters that fall under these regulations would never be able to survive the heat of a Carolina summer. Thus catch and release becomes corn meal and hot grease and the circle of life continues. The good news is that next year North Carolina will have added additional streams to the program and the catch and keep on the first half of the first day will be limited to anglers age 16 and under.
Me? I'll be fine. I plan to focus on warm water close to home with the occasional foray to our area tail waters. I even have a trip planned to check out this Bristol Bay / Pebble Mine thing first hand during late August. Don't forget to support their charity auction. My goals for that trip include not being eaten by a grizzly and to catch something on a mouse fly.
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