Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Skimp or Splurge - Response Good So Far

In an earlier post I asked the question: "When you shop for fly fishing equipment, what are you willing to skimp on to save money and on what equipment do you refuse to compromise and will splurge on higher dollar items?" I put this question out to the Flyfishmagazine.com editorial staff, my fellow fly fishing bloggers, our readers, and also posted it on some forums that I frequent.

I have been very pleased with the responses so far, as several people have dropped me a line to let me know their opinion on the subject. I have gotten responses from as far away as Singapore, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. I am in the process of putting the information together and will let all involved know what came out of this exercise once the article is complete.

One thing is for sure, there is a lot of great fly fishing know how out on the internet. I could have saved a lot of money on things I did not really need if I had known these guys when I was getting started into fly fishing. Thanks for all the replies. If you have not yet given me your ideas, please feel free to email me.

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