We got a this notice from friends down South in the Tarheel State about the Kanuga Episcopal Center's annual fly fishing retreat. The host, Kevin Howell of Davidson River Outfitters, is an excellent angler.
Snow is covering the ground in Western North Carolina, but it won’t be long before winter melts away and it becomes time to wade into the water once again for theKanuga Fly-fishing Retreat.
As with previous Fly-fishing Retreats at Kanuga, 2007 Fly-fishing Masters National Champion Kevin Howell will share his expertise in fly tying with the group before taking everyone out to the Davidson River to test their new skills.
The Rev. Mark Wilson of St. James Episcopal Church in Fairhope, Ala., is serving as both chaplain and coordinator of this event and says he hopes participants will again learn a greater understanding of this popular pastime and its spiritual aspects during their time at Kanuga.
A flier and registration form is available at http://www.kanuga.org/conferences/pdf/flyfishing_flyer.pdf.
Anyone interested in saving a place for their tackle box and gear this spring should visit www.kanuga.org or contact registrar Jon Causey at 828-692-0077, ext. 228, today.
Jonathan Rich
Communications Project Manager
Kanuga Conferences Inc.An Episcopal CenterPost Office Box 250Hendersonville, NC 28793jonathan.rich@kanuga.org
828-692-0077, ext. 224
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