Above is a picture of me in my old office in Nashville. I have since moved to South Carolina and there are no pictures of me fishing. There is a small lake in my sub division that I plan to try once things settle down from the move. During my first trip to the river here in Columbia I ran across an alligator warning sign that assured me that all rivers in South Carolina would probably have gators in them. Since I do all my fishing while wading, this presents a problem for me. I was told by some of the people that I work with that most of them will leave you alone except for the ones that don't. This also presents a problem for me since my waders are not rated for gator bites. I will find some water to fish. It may not contain trout, but I will go.
Since I have left middle Tn. I have given up my job as editor for Flyfish Magazine and I am trying to figure out how to replace the loss of income. Maybe I can be the editor of the entire state of South Carolina. While I negotiate with our editor, my friend Phil will keep you up to date on all things fishy in Tennessee. The next time there will be fishing pictures and maybe a report on some new waters, or just a photo of some torn up Simms waders and my picture on a milk carton.
Jay Moore...I live in Columbia, SC. I fish the Saluda River some but make trips to North Carolina on the regular as well. Drop me a line at heddonpal@fiberglassflyrodders.org if you want to link up some time.
You are not alone in the thought that trout and snakes, alligators, gar, stripers, bass, and bluegills might not be the most usual mix.
Jay - I'll vouch for Cameron - you should fish with him for sure. Be sure to get him to loan you one of those glass rods of his.
Murdock...thanks for vouching for me. I appreciate it. I've got stacks of glass and vintage clickers so we're set!
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