Be sure you read that title carefully. It says Buy Wine - Help Striper. While we know that many of our fellow anglers have bought strong drink in an effort to help strippers, this is a much more noble cause.
A communique from the right minded folks at Striper's Forever indicates that they are auctioning off a case of Fish Hook Vineyard's Pinot Blanc. The opening bid is $200 and proceeds, of course, go to the aid of Stripers Forever Game Fish Initiatives.
Oregon is rapidly becoming known as one the great Pinot Blanc producing areas in the world and Stephen Cary is rapidly becoming known as one the great practitioners of the art of turning this relatively little known grape variety into great wine. When we founded Fish Hook Vineyards we had three basic goals. First, we wanted to make really good wine that shows the true fruit character of the grapes and the subtle mineral qualities of the vineyard. Second, we wanted to make a little bit of money to support our bad habits (fishing) in retirement and have some fun doing it. Third, we wanted to do some good with some of the profits and tie it all in with our passion for fishing and the sea. Hence Fish Hook Vineyards, the Striper on the label and our involvement with Stripers Forever and The Ocean Conservancy.
Follow this link for instructions on how to place your bid.
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