Like us, savvy reader Nick from Morganton, NC likes to fish the Burke County Prison Pond which is nestled snugly between the gun towers of a maximum security prison and a high rise juvenile detention facility. While we are chasing small panfish and the occasional large mouth bass he goes after big blue catfish. He sends us the following fishing report. Purists be warned bait is mentioned prominently:
Hello Flyfishmagazine
My name is Nick I live here in Morganton,NC and just wanted to tell you the 2 ponds at the prison and highrise are some of the best pond fishing areas for big blue cats! I recommend anyone who likes catfishing to try out the ponds. The best baits are chicken livers,night crawlers with hotsauce,and hotdogs marinated in garlic water with a pack of strawberry koolaid mixed in. Goodluck to everyone. Nick
Nick's report has me thinking unclean thoughts about soaking my woolly buggers in garlic water and strawberry kool aid!
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