Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fishy Fitness

If you are feeling a bit plump after this year's holiday season, you might benefit from a good fishing fitness program.

Madole, of Balanced Health in Santa Ana, Calif., specializes in physical therapy and health and fitness. He isn't a fisherman but recognizes the demands of fishing and knows how to deal with them in the fitness world.
"One thing I tell folks is, view their body as the most important part of their equipment," Madole said. "If you're not strong enough to pull the fish in, it doesn't matter."
His Fishing Specific Strength and Conditioning Program, developed five years ago, is custom built to fit the needs of each angler.

The program runs about $200 per month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the articles fail to link to the actual website.
It can be found here :
Fit Fisherman - Darrin Madole