Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fishy ebay Zen

Did you ever dream of owning your very own fishing estate in Scotland? Well finally e-bay has made it affordable. For only $37.71 US you can own a 12 x 12 plot of land with fishing rights in Lochaber, in the heart of the Highlands of Scotland. Oh yeah that is 12 inches by 12 inches. In addition to the fishing rights it comes with another perk, a title (kilt not included):

As an added bragging point, Scots law and traditions state that the style Laird (the Scots equivalent of Lord) may be used by masters of landed estates. Purchase your very own Highland sporting estate (albeit a small one - but you don't need to tell your friends the exact size!) and you too will have the legal right to call yourself a Laird or Lady.

Maybe I should get one of these and put His Lordship The Editor on my business cards from here on out.

In other fishy zen goodness you might want to take advantage of the following e-bay offerings:

Vintage sheet music of The Fishing Song by Fay Templeton. It has some catchy lyrics. "Fishing, Fishing, is not in the hands of Fate. But all your success, You will find more or less. Depends on the kind of Bait."

Maybe you are looking for some fly fishing seat covers for your truck?

Perhaps music, estates, or seat covers just are not getting you where you really need to be? If your fishing needs to appeal to a higher power maybe you might do well to place a bid on this lot of 50 "Jesus Jigs".

" I have for sale 25 packages of 2 ct.(50 total ct.), 1/32 oz.-1 1/2" sassyshad jigs for $10.00(shipping included) They are unique in that they are packaged as a spiritual tract to hand out while your fishing. Whoever turned down free fishing tackle, especially if you are holding a stringer of fish."

No word if divine intervention is included, but how could you possibly go wrong?

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