While Zugbug and I were on the road last week we decided to stop off and check out the Orvis shop in Breckenridge, Colorado. Breckenridge Outfitters is (as you can see) a full Orvis Dealer located at 100 North Main Street.
We arrived at the shop and were greeted by the guy behind the counter who immediately asked if he could help us. We of course told him we were just browsing and proceeded to give the shop the once over. It was a fairly typical fly shop with a good selection of Orvis products along with a selection of clothing that would appeal to the tourist and fisherman alike. We almost bought a cap to commemorate our visit but balked at the $21 price tag. Even a bald man would have trouble getting $21 worth out of a ball cap but these were resort prices.

After our initial shock at the price of the hats, we thoroughly questioned the two gentlemen working at the shop about the area and the services they provide. They were friendly and helpful and were quick to tell us to avoid the stream that runs through downtown Breckenridge this time of year and to focus more on some of the area tail waters. They even managed to explain the odd presence of a large sailfish mounted above the cash register.
They seemed perplexed that we were not able to fish on this visit but let us know that they also offer tackle rental with prices that are not really that bad for a resort area. Everything you need for a day on the water could be rented for around $35.
Satisfied with their good nature we revealed ourselves and asked if we might snap a few pictures for our blog. They agreed and suggested that we get a good shot of their Orvis guide of the year award.

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