Sunday, August 13, 2006

Internet TV - The Angling Channel.Com

Lee Peeler, a television producer for KREZ TV in Colorado has created Think of it as internet television for fishermen. With sites like Youtube and Google Video, offering free user created video content, video on demand is taking the internet by storm. Folks like Peeler are taking quality to the next level by providing professional content and production values. One big question in the future for this type of media is will anglers or advertisers pay for it?

Update: One reader did not think the production values were all that great:

I wouldn't go so far as to say it is "providing professional content and production values". While interesting, the videos I watched have wildly fluctuating audio levels, some with dialogue that can barely be made out and overly long scenes of little interest like shots of a counter on a table.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't go so far as to say it is "providing professional content and production values". While interesting, the videos I watched have wildly fluctuating audio levels, some with dialogue that can barely be made out and overly long scenes of little interest like shots of a counter on a table.