Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alaska week interrupted...

This story via takes us into Mexican waters but is so amazing that I simply had to interrupt Alaska week to point you to it. Five men aboard an offshore angling boat struck somehow end up inside a giant tuna pen in Mexican waters with no easy way out. Now they have to contend with a Mexican gun ship set on boarding them, some ticked off fish farmers, and need a big time assist from the US Coast Guard. What do they do? Fish of course...
It didn't sound like Mexico was standing down behind the scenes. Nichols said the Coast Guard reminded the anglers to keep Mexican officials from boarding "under any circumstances." If the sailors attempted to seize the Señor Hefe, they would be in violation of international law.
Everyone fished calmly, but Saputo and the others wondered what would happen. Once the pen was open, the rules would change.

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