Sunday, March 14, 2010

Orvis finds Podcast Success

This week an article on the Times Argus Newspaper's website gives insight in to success that Orvis has found through their Fly Fishing Guide Podcast hosted by Tom Rosenbauer. The podcast continues to grow in popularity and bring them more customers and even though Orvis products are rarely ever mentioned in it.
"It's really good customer interaction. Business-wise, I feel like I have such a great handle on what our customers are looking for and what they're thinking about," Rosenbauer said. However, Rosenbauer said the podcasts feature very little marketing. He rarely mentions Orvis products and keeps the shows educational rather than promotional.
The article also has a quote from Rosenbauer which does a good job of summing up fly fishers in general:
"When you get into fly-fishing, you get to be a real sicko and you want it all the time. You want to think about it, talk about it, look around at Web sites when your boss isn't looking so they really love a little dose of fly-fishing when they're on their commute, when they're on the train in the morning or driving to their jobs,"
The podcasts can be found on the Internet at or at the iTunes Web site at

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