In one of several product announcements this week Ross Reels USA announced a limited edtion version of their CLA Reel with an anodized REALTREE® APG HD camouflage finish.
Ross has recently completed a licensing agreement with Realtree Outdoors and will be offering a very limited number of CLA reels that have been anodized and then coated with a photographic quality . Each reel will be custom engraved with a limited edition number. In past years, these special series have only been offered in one reel size. This year, Ross is pleased to offer a full series of REALTREE® APG HD camouflage finish CLA reels on a first-come, first-served basis.
We see this as the perfect reel for special forces operators or the blue line angler who stalks wary native fish. It will also match your buddies camo spray painted pick up truck. Visit http://www.rossreels.com/ for more information.
was looking over your blog and enjoyed it. would you mind if i added it to my links on fladuckdays?
Sure thing Vanckirby. I'll return the favor as well. Great pics from your NC trip.
thanks, i will add your link now.
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