From the FlyFishMagazine.com corporate HQ located in an subterranean lair deep below the Mecklenburg County Landfill we bring you Wednesday fly fishy link goodness. Basically we do the work for you and point out a few items that caught our sullied eye.
Our fly fishing insider chums from Moldy Chum really managed to dig up some dirt on us this time. We can neither confirm or deny it but more than once our trophy wife has wondered about this very subject.
Internet media tycoon Marshall Cutchin from MidCurrent has a lot to say about the handling of the First Tarpon and more importantly about the, now required by Florida, practice of punching holes in tarpon jaws in order to tag them.
Maestro of the Florida Peacock Bass, Pete McDonald of Fishing Jones has been wetting a line in New York's Central Park. His fishing partner for the day was distance caster and author Randy Kadish.
Don't forget that the Project Healing Waters Two Fly Tournament is set for May 4th. We especially enjoy this rule that applies to the Vets who will be competing in the event.
B. The rule committee considers that it would be impossible for a veteran to lose a fly.
A Malaysian angler caught a snakehead with a horn. It is supposed to be lucky. Insert your own innuendo here.
The State of Maryland doesn't think Snakehead are that lucky. The 80 or so fingerlings they have tanked up are about to shake fins with Mr. Rotenone.
I'll be chasing bass in CP again tonight. It's 78 degrees today.
Dude it is like 50 degrees here in Charlotte - not to mention that I am stuck in meetings until 9pm.
Are you sure you are NY and not Florida?
I was supposed to be in Florida chasing dolphin (mahi) offshore and peacock bass in the ditches, but it was not meant to be this week...
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