Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Dont be that guy....

Via MaineToday comes a story of fly fishing conversation etiquette. I think we all have met that guy...

"I caught a 22-inch rainbow yesterday," he offered, with nothing else. I could see he was waiting for me to, pardon the pun, take the bait.

He waited a few seconds, maybe 10, and took a quick puff of his cigarette.

"Not here, you know."

I just nodded, and he puffed again.

He then went into a long litany of where he'd been fishing, how many fish he'd caught and how long they all were. To hear him tell it, he'd filled an entire wall with trophy-sized mounts -- all from the last six days!

He caught a brown out of China Lake. "You know that's open, right?"

He caught splake by the bucketful near Bingham. "They're all, like, 15-24 inches up there."
And then there was the rainbow.

"Oh, they're biting all right. You just got to know where to go."

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