Survival Kit in a Sardine Can available from for $12.99. We have to say that our inner Les Stroud got the better of us when we came across these on the web. We can't help but picture ourselves marooned on a river bank with only this kit and our video camera. While not at all designed for long term abandonment having one of these in your fishing vest might make a night lost in the woods a bit more palatable.
You could of course make your own custom version with an Altoids tin and a few items from around the house but then you wouldn't get the satisfaction of opening the sardine tin before stitching yourself up with the enclosed fishing line.
The kit includes one of each of the following items: non-aspirin pain reliever, adhesive bandage, alcohol prep pad, antibiotic ointment, book of matches, compass, chewing gum, sugar, salt, energy nugget, duct tape, fire starter cube, first aid instructions, fish hook & line, note paper, pencil, razor blade, safety pin, reflective signal surface, tea bag, waterproof bag, whistle, and wire clip.
My one disappointment is that it only comes with one tootsie roll-like "energy nugget." I can already see myself having to employ the razor blade or safety pin to fight off my fishing buddies should food rationing become necessary.
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