Monday, February 11, 2008

Blogging the Charlotte Fly Show 2008

This weekend we made our yearly trip to the Fly Fishing and Wing Shooting Show in Charlotte, NC. The show was pretty much the same as every year but we ran into a few familiar faces. Excuse the crappy camera phone photos:

Scott Hed, Outreach Director for the Sportsman's Alliance for Alaska. Scott was fresh off the plane and hard at work getting signatures on the petition to stop the Pebble Mine. Scott tells us that the fight to save Alaska's salmon run is going strong. Signatures gathered at this week's show are heading to the Governor of Alaska's mail box.

Noted author and Tennessee fly fishing guide, Ian Rutter of R&R Fly Fishing ,took a few moments to tell us about fly fishing for Small Mouth Bass. He also gave us the low down on our pal from the Trout Underground, Tom Chandler. We won't bore you with details, but we have the inside scoop indicating that slaw dogs, curvy mountain roads, and Tom don't exactly mix.

It's one of those "you had to be there" stories but lets just say this fellow might have a somewhat "un-natural interest" in the Trout Underground.

We also ran across our friend John Bass and the rest of the good folks from Project Healing Waters. We bought a raffle ticket for a sweet bamboo rod with proceeds going to this worthy cause. John also reminded us that we don't have a sidebar link to PHW. Something we are correcting right away.


Anonymous said...

Looks like John and the "troops" put together a nice booth. Thanks for buying a raffle ticket and for adding a side bar for PHW to your site. The 2nd Annual PHW 2-Fly is coming up May 4. I will send you some info


Douglas Dear
Chairman, Project Healing Waters

Murdock said...


Thanks for all you do with Phw. Be sure to keep up in the loop as we are always glad to promote such a worthy cause.


Anonymous said...

Once again, sloppy reporting mars the blogging world. It wasn't slaw dogs that made me toss my cookies, it was the half-gallon sized Snapple I hammered just prior to the drive.

That stuff barely agrees with me on the best of days (and no, I'm still not sure why I drank it), but I'll tell you this -- it doesn't smell any better the second time you taste it, especially if it's all over your shoes.

As for that unnatural interest thing, well, frankly, I don't know, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to know...

Murdock said...

Ok you got me. I did assume the part about slaw dogs being your demise on that trip. I feel like those guys on 20/20 with the exploding gas tanks.

It's always good to run into friends of TC.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a heck of a time at the show! Hope you guys can make it out to the Pasadena Fly Fishing show March 1st & 2nd.

Murdock said...

St Clair,

We won't be able to make the Pasadena Fly Show but be sure to let us know how it goes. Nice boo rods you have there!