Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bring your step ladder

Bill Hammons of Carson City, Nevada sends this photo of step ladder fishing on Pyramid Lake. Why the ladders? Longer casts and relief from cold water. The targeted fish is the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout.
Thanks for the photo Bill!


Anonymous said...

How do they stay up? Do they have midgets with snorkels underwater holding them steady?

Anonymous said...


You guessed it. I think I saw them in the Orvis Christmas catalog or maybe it was Cabela's I forget. Page ##

Tweed clad ladder holding midget equipped with burl wood snorkel.

Engraved with your name for $5 extra.

Anonymous said...

Haha love the prior comments-- I just wanted to note that pyramid lake produces world record cutthroats!

But, hey, I can vouch that the water is quite chilly and the wind gets pretty atrocious out there which gets some pretty tall waves going-- hence one more reason for the step ladders... 'course there are plenty of numbskulls like myself who go out there ladderless and spend all day with frozen/wet elbows

--brian j.