Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Network trouble - Outfoxed behind the dumpsters

Some water must have gotten into the Internet tubes last night as our connection was down for pretty much the entire evening. We will return to our regular posting schedule (subject to the whims of our provider) later today.

I did manage to go fishing last Friday and intentionally left the digicam behind so as not to worry about taking pictures and concentrate on fishing. I met up with my Dad and we had a great time.

Our first stop was a creek that runs behind some roadside dumpsters. As soon as we arrived we saw a large trout holding in a pool just below a small bridge. The water was very low and extremely clear but he did not see us. I put on a camo jacket, tied a tiny copper john on 6x tippet, and literally crawled to the opposite side of the bridge to get into position for a drift. As I was creeping, Dad was watching the fish from the bushes so as to alert me of any sign of piscatorial spookage. He assured me that the fish was still holding as I made a blind drift to the fish.

Due to the current, my drift ended up about two feet too far right so I gingerly pulled the fly back into position. Dad indicated that the fish hadn't so much as moved an inch. My second cast was on the mark but as the drifting fly approached the fish he decided that he didn't like what he saw and bolted for the shadows without ever looking back. Opportunity lost.

I wasn't sure what I had done that spooked the fish. Maybe it was the glint of the sun off of my fly rod, or maybe an errant shadow. It might even have been the ever so slightly unnatural look of the copper john. All I knew for sure is that this trout would most likely not be caught that day.

We moved on to other more forgiving waters and did manage to catch several nice trout that day. More importantly we were away from work and standing knee deep in icy mountain water for most of the time.

(slightly post related photo credit 20th Century Fox)

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