The final Roanoke River Striper report is up on the NC Wildlife Resources website. They agree with our pal Ron that this year's run wasn't its best.
Anglers interested in hitting the river for one last cast may hook a straggler or two, but for most part, the stripers quickly hightailed it back to the Atlantic Ocean after several days of scorching hot weather and water temperatures exceeding 70 degrees Fahrenheit over the holiday weekend.
While it wasn’t one of the best years on record, it certainly wasn’t one of the worst either. During weekly samples between April 16 and May 29, Commission biologists and Division of Marine Fisheries personnel tagged close to 3,000 striped bass, with many striped bass ranging in size from 18 to 35 inches and some exceeding 40 inches.
PS. We just found out that Today is Ron "Stripermaster" Barnes' Birthday. We hope he gets a chance to go fishing today!
Didn't you mean the War of Northern Aggression?
Well that is what we call it around these parts. I just don't want to totally alienate our northern readers. They have some really nice trout streams up there!
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