It's the time of the week when we like to check in on our fly fishing blogger pals to see what new mischief they have stirred up:
B2 and Rathbun from the ever eclectic Moldy Chum, have designed what might be one of the most eye catching, (if not mildly disturbing), gastronomically accurate, blog promoting, T-Shirts that we have ever seen. This is the sort of thing that makes us wish we were creative too.
Usually, due in part to our country upbringing, we try to stay away from stories about sheep, especially stories about the dead ones, but Alistair from the Urban Fly Fisher had us rolling on the floor of our cubicle with his story about the potential horrors of finding a dead sheep on the river bank. He names several possible outcomes but this one was our favorite - cloven hooves down.
"Horror Three
Dead sheep is washed down the river only to take up residency at the top of a very nice pool - trout then get fixated on eating maggots - you have no accurate bluebottle imitations."
Pete, the Editor of Boating Magazine and Fishing Jones fame, posted this photo on his "The Daily Cast" blog. It might make you think twice about paddling around the ocean in a tiny sea kayak.
A few bloggers even managed to go fishing. Ed from Flyfishin' visited the Rose River Farm in Virginia and provides some fish porn as proof of his talents with the fly rod.
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B2 and Rathbun from the ever eclectic Moldy Chum, have designed what might be one of the most eye catching, (if not mildly disturbing), gastronomically accurate, blog promoting, T-Shirts that we have ever seen. This is the sort of thing that makes us wish we were creative too.
Usually, due in part to our country upbringing, we try to stay away from stories about sheep, especially stories about the dead ones, but Alistair from the Urban Fly Fisher had us rolling on the floor of our cubicle with his story about the potential horrors of finding a dead sheep on the river bank. He names several possible outcomes but this one was our favorite - cloven hooves down.
"Horror Three
Dead sheep is washed down the river only to take up residency at the top of a very nice pool - trout then get fixated on eating maggots - you have no accurate bluebottle imitations."
Pete, the Editor of Boating Magazine and Fishing Jones fame, posted this photo on his "The Daily Cast" blog. It might make you think twice about paddling around the ocean in a tiny sea kayak.
A few bloggers even managed to go fishing. Ed from Flyfishin' visited the Rose River Farm in Virginia and provides some fish porn as proof of his talents with the fly rod.
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Finally, Tom Chandler from the ever iconoclastic Trout Underground Fly Fishing Blog, shunned the required April Fool's Day blog post only to make a startling revelation. Later in the same week he rightly accuses the blogging community of "bamboo envy" while claming leadership in the bamboo-aware universe.
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Remember these guys provide all this great entertainment to you free of charge. All they ask is the occasional comment or click. If you could put this much talent into a Las Vegas stage show the tickets would cost you at least thirty bucks and a two drink minimum.
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