Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Leaky Wader's" Thursday Linky Round-up

I really should ditch the blogging today and start getting my fishing gear together for this weekend's trip to fish the Great Smoky Mountains National Park with's Middle Tennessee Editor, Jay "Leaky Waders" Moore. Our plan is to meet Friday at Flyfishmag's Western Carolina compound and spend some time fishing waters that are new for both of us. Our secondary plan includes some of Jay's homebrewed cerveza. Lets hope that we do not get into as much trouble as the intrepid North Korean Anglers who decided to do a bit of fishing in the DMZ. Read about it over at Pete McDonald's, The Daily Cast.

Tom Chandler from the Trout Underground, himself an excellent photographer, profiles the site of outdoor photoblogger, Dan Mitchell. Why can't I take photo's like that? This is why I have started bringing my lovely wife along on my fishing trips.

B2 and the guys from the Moldy Chum / reel pure blog have fired another salvo in the ongoing blogger bikini wars. Let me tell you this time they have pulled out the big uns..uh I meant to say the big guns. On a related note, today the mail person brought me the reel pure long sleeve T-shirt that I ordered. It looks great and Eric Rathbun, the Chief Angler at reel pure has assured me that it will increase my catch rate exponentially.

And here at Flyfishmag, since the wife does not allow us to participate in the bikini wars we must turn our thoughts the current projects we are working on. These include, a corporate fly fishing outing during the first week in November. Reviews of "the Hatch" and "Running Down The Man" from felt soul media and the book "Hook Jawed, Mean Mouthed, Son of a Fish" by Wolf Avni, a South African fishing guide with a most interesting writing style. We are also looking forward to an interview with the Carolina fly shop owner and guide who is working to start the North Carolina Fly Fishing Team in hopes of making an impact on the international competitive fly fishing scene.

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