Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Ed Felker sent me this link to his new blog. Check out FLYFISHIN'. Ed is teasing us with the promise upcoming posts about his trip to fish the Salmon River in New York. Judging from his initial postings it should be a good read.

Less than two years ago I was bitten, badly, by the fly fishing bug. Sometimes I fish for smallmouth in the Shenandoah or Potomac Rivers. Sometimes for trout in small Maryland streams. And sometimes I take my 3-weight across the street to my neighbor's farm pond and fish for sunfish. The rods, the flies, the method, the gear are all different. But that moment when a fish has fallen for my clumsy antics and taken my fly, that tug of life at the end of the line, man, that just does NOT get old. When the life that's tugging the line, though, is the size of a medium sized dog, it goes off the Fun Meter.

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