Monday, April 17, 2006

Trout Stocking South Carolina Style

This photo (courtesy of the SCDNR) shows the lengths they have to go to in order to get trout stocked into the tailwater that flows out of Lake Murray near Columbia South Carolina.

"The helicopter stocked about 13,000 brown trout (averaging about 6 inches) and 3000 rainbow trout (averaging about 13 inches) over some 9 miles of the Saluda River, a total of approximately 3,000 pounds of fish. The trout came from the Walhalla State Fish Hatchery in Oconee County, operated by the DNR. The trout are transported by truck to a site near the river. The fish are kept in water and transferred to the lift bucket attached to the helicopter. The chopper then pulls away and carries the fish to the river."

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