Friday, April 22, 2005

Fly Fishing - The Universal Language?

I was thinking about what I could post tonight that might really be helpful to my readers and I decided on posting some info on things you might want to say if you were on a fishing trip to a foreign country.

For instance, if you happen to be fishing in Portugal you might say; "Pode você dizer-me onde a truta está?" or translated to my native tounge; "Can you tell me where the trout are?"

You might find yourself in need of assistance while fishing in Russia and say; "Вы пожалуйста поможете мне извлечь этот крюк от моего глаза?" or as we would say it in English; "Will you please help me remove this hook from my eye?"

Suppose you are fishing in Rome with a newly appointed cleric. You might want to inquire; "Posso portare il vostro cappello realmente freddo mentre lanciate a quella trota?" or in layman's terms "May I wear your really cool hat while you cast to that trout?"

Finally if you choose to cast a line in Germany don't forget how to ask; "Konnten Sie Ihren panzer Behälter vom Fluß freundlich entfernen? Sie scheinen, die Fische zu erschrecken." or "Could you kindly remove your panzer tank from the river? You seem to be scaring the fish."

Check out Alta-Vista's Babel Fish Translator page. It could actually be helpful for things other than allowing me an outlet for my strange humor.

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