Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Convergence: Fly Fishing Families

CONVERGENCE - Official Trailer from Conservation Hawks on Vimeo.

"The CH team filmed Hilary Hutcheson and her daughters Ella and Delaney; Travis Swartz (a.k.a. "Hank Patterson”); Simon Perkins, Els Van Woert and their daughter Pippa, and Pippa's grandfather (and Orvis CEO) Perk Perkins"


Leonardo said...

Nice, high-quality trailer! The idea of tying together fly fishing and climate change is really clever. Fly fishing represents perfectly what is great about outdoors and what you do not want to lose.

On the other topic, why are spam comments like above left un-moderated?

Murdock said...

Took care of that one. Not sure how it got through the filter.